Every brand or company make some product or deliver some services to fulfil the specific needs of their consumers. Now these needs change depending on age, location, financial conditions and some other factors as well. Now, it is obvious that a brand targets a specific set of people and their needs. So, it is also obvious that during the promotions or other kinds of advertisements, they will target that specific set of people. Otherwise, it will be a waste. As the world & brands are more into digital platforms, it is important to hit the right target audience on the advertisements on digital platforms too. In this blog, we will focus on factors such as the definition of target audience, the importance of the right target audience for more effective digital marketing etc.
1. What is the target audience?
The target audience is the set of people who are more likely interested in your product or services and you can convert them into consumers easily. These target audiences are defined by demographic factors and behaviour. If you hit the right target audience you will be able to sell your product or services easily. Not only that, growing with the right target audience is easier because there are chances of becoming your loyal consumers if they are satisfied. However, if you fail in this, the whole campaign will be a waste.
Most companies look at demographic information like:
● Gender
● Age
● Profession
● Location
● Income or education level
● Marital status
On the basis of this information brands tend to create a user persona and they make an idea about the most accurate message for the campaign to increase the curiosity of the consumers.
2. Importance of targeting the right target audience for digital marketing:
a. Attract high-quality leads: When you directly communicate with the right set of people, you start attracting them. They start showing interest, they ask questions and help in increasing the engagement. In short, targeting the right audience helps in fulfilling the target of digital marketing.
b. Helps your brand to stand out: When you communicate & serve the right audience, it helps you to get recognised faster. They start talking about the brand and also start thinking of making a purchase. If you serve them in the right way, there are chances of getting the recommendations as well. So, your brand successfully stands out in the market.
c. Increases customer loyalty: When you stand out in a competitive market and communicate with the consumers directly, it helps in making an emotional bond with the consumers. Again, if you serve consumers in the right way and consumers are satisfied, consumers are more likely to return to the same brand. It helps in making a loyal consumer base for the brand and helps in surviving for a long time.
d. Helps in improving customer relations: When you target the audience, you will be able to communicate with them directly. You will be able to know their expectations and needs. This helps the brands in fulfilling the needs of the consumers and helps in building effective customer relations. Data shows that 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is just as important as its products or services.
e. Helps in progress: When a brand communicates with the right target audience they get to know about the needs of the consumers and the missing part. For example, if you are selling a digital marketing course and communicating with the right consumers, you got to know that the new set of students are willing to learn video editing too. You will be able to include it in the course. At the same time, a toothpaste brand may introduce whitening strips for customers aged 35 and over. The target marketing team may discover that people at this age develop teeth issues. This kind of addition helps in attracting more consumers and helps in standing out in the market easily.
3. The type of market segmentation:
Target marketing or defining the target audience is all about targeting the right group of people. The specific needs of the people help a brand to decide their strategy, help in including features in their services and also help in effective communication. So, it is important to know the market segmentations clearly. There are four types of market segmentations and the types are-
a. Psychographic segmentation: This category includes beliefs, values, lifestyle, personality and interests.
b. Geographic areas: This category includes region, city, neighbourhood, area code and country.
c. Demographic segmentation: This category includes gender, age, education, religion, race and marital status.
d. Behavioural segmentation: This category includes spending or purchasing habits, brand interactions and user status.
4. Importance of target audience in social media:
Social media is extremely useful for selling products and raising awareness. So, digital marketers mainly work on social media platforms. At the same time, as a brand, social media helps in understanding the choices of consumers. The majority of social media allows us to make adverts on specific target people. For example, you can run adverts on Facebook, Facebook ads, you can target a small group of potential customers. These customers may also refer others to your brand and bring you new customers. Other social media platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram, also have options that enable businesses to target users based on market segmentation. All you need to do is to do your research very well. With a specific market segmentation, you will be able to get the maximum benefits of social media.
Final words:
The target audience is not only important in digital marketing but also important in any other forms of marketing as well. It helps in making strategies, fulfilling the needs and helps in building relationships. Remember, a company becomes a brand only after winning the trust of consumers and the right way of marketing through hitting the right target audience helps you in achieving that.